Whether you want assistance with content, or coaching to lead teams, I can help.
I have over 20 years of rich experience in leading editorial teams and shaping content strategies, with a knack for steering through digital transformations. I'm skilled in both B2B and consumer publishing sectors. I'm not just good at brainstorming ideas with editorial teams but also excel
Read My StoryEvery week I write about the places where technology, content, culture and politics meet. Sign up to stay in touch.
* I have barely made any progress on writing (other than blogging) this year. Something I need to address PDQ. * I got a tax rebate. Quite a large one. Basically in the 2023-24 tax year I only worked for five months, and then spent seven months taking a bit of a
I sometimes wonder about writing so much about politics when I am, at heart, a technology journalist. How did I get this way? Certainly, I have been radicalised by 14 years of Tories attempting to dismantle so many of the things which make Britain great. And, of course by Brexit,
* It's been COLD. Cold weather always reminds me of being a kid because the home I grew up in was cold. It was a council house, and had a gas fire in the front room (what people call a living room these days) and one in the kitchen.
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