Weeknote, Sunday 26th February 2023
Looking through some old documents, I rediscovered Cory’s notes on a talk that Danny gave at Notcon in 2004
Looking through some old documents, I rediscovered Cory’s notes on a talk that Danny gave at Notcon in 2004
It’s been a week of what I would call “faffing”: poking around at the decaying corpses of ideas and
Quiet week. I went along to give blood on Wednesday, only to be turned down because my iron levels were
Sometimes weeks are quite fractured and this was one of those. Bitty. Lots of little things happening which get in
This week has mostly been a cavalcade of getting things sorted in my little office. I finally decided that it
This was quite a busy week for work, with many meetings and even a day in London at the new
This was the first week back at work since the middle of December, so it was a bit of a
When the first day of a year falls on a Sunday, I suspect it’s a good idea to look
M.G Siegler on Mastodon: Yes, yes, the network is under immense strain as people flee the Elon strain infecting
I feel like in the past week I’ve travelled the country — and that’s mainly because I almost have.
This week has been almost my last time at work this year. I’m off to the middle of nowhere
Thursday saw the arrival of my Kindle Scribe, which I pre-ordered on the day it was announced. I’ve long
Daring Fireball: Should Be Easy, Indeed: The hard part is that what he’s really talking about is making his
My notebook, like my week, is blank. This is not a good sign: when there’s nothing scrawled there other
This week has mostly revolved around the trapped nerve in my shoulder, which came on last Sunday evening. It took