Weeknote, Sunday 16th October 2022
I spent a lot of this week being ill, with the really noxious head cold that Kim had been poorly...
I spent a lot of this week being ill, with the really noxious head cold that Kim had been poorly...
OK PEOPLE I got so excited doing some other writing I nearly forgot to write this. I’m slightly tired...
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Go down to Brighton. Kim doing a drawing group with some...
Today was a bit of a double art extravaganza, as we went down to Folkestone to see Sara Trillo talk...
I spent yesterday at Interesting 2022, organised by the redoubtable Russell (Not T) Davies. Of course, the talks were all...
“The hottest day of my life so far” is an event which should cluster in your childhood. I suspect that...
This has not been much of a week. I missed last week’s week note because I was sick: I...
One of the many useful things about writing a week note is it give you a regular reminder that life...
Three days in the office this week! THREE WHOLE DAYS. Commuting is such an odd thing: spending an hour on...
I spent some time restructuring my setup in Ulysses for writing. It had spiralled completely out of control, with countless...
Yesterday we went to London (a trip into the big city!) for the Art Car Boot Fair, held in Kings...
With the demise of the ivy on the back fence came the discovery there wasn’t much in the way...
A wedding! Friday evening saw the lovely betrothal of an old friend and his darling in Kew Gardens (which has...
A sunny bank holiday feels like such a pleasure after the winter. Our ancestors knew a thing or two about...
It took me a few days but I feel like I’m finally over the bought of Covid which I...