- A week off work, yay! Obviously that has not stopped me checking and replying to a few emails. My team were also attempting to get me to help them cheat at the work Christmas quiz using WhatsApp. Shamefully, they didn’t even win.
- I had my first face to face physio session about my back. I have some pressure on the femoral nerve in my lower back, which is causing me to get numbness in the front of my thigh. The answer, of course, is exercising my back and I’ve been given some stretching to do a couple of times a day. Will this finally be the thing which gets me to change my health? I think so: this one feels like a warning shot, because if I don’t address it I’ll lose mobility slowly. If I do address it, it recovers. It’s pretty black and white, unlike most health stuff.
- Heading up to Ipswich so I can spend Christmas with my sister. I am taking a bottle of nice Japanese whisky to replace the one I accidentally helped my brother in law drink.
- I watched The Day the Earth Caught Fire, which is probably both the best British SF movie of he 50s and the best movie about British newsrooms of the period. It’s on BFI Player and you can get a free seven day trial, so give it a watch. I have written something about it which I will post soon.
- Amongst the metric butt-load of computer admin I’m doing over Christmas — trust me, it’s a great way to relax — is consolidating all the files I have into one place. Somehow (I know how, I’m just not admitting it) I have got into a massive pickle with online storage, which at the last count included:
- iCloud Drive
- Dropbox
- OneDrive (x2)
- Proton Drive
- So I spent a chunk of time consolidating everything into a single set of folders which live on iCloud Drive, backed up to Proton Drive “just in case”.
- Meanwhile I’m also moving my blog from WordPress.com to Ghost. I have the hosting in place, so the next stage is to get the design sorted out. Then I transfer the content and move all the subscribers over, set up the domain and redirects, and boom, everything should be done. I’ve done this enough times both professionally and personally to know the pitfalls (and have fallen into them a few times).
- Friday was my birthday. I did absolutely nothing to mark it, in part because this has been a year that I want to forget rather than dwell on. Something which came into my mind this week: “I am not going to let a single year define my life.” I’m repeating that to myself a lot at the moment. Now I have to work out what I actually want to define my life.