- Not working this week, which means it’s been a bit of a quiet one.
- I spent Thursday in Whitstable, buying too many books and plotting.
- Friday involved a quick trip to Brighton to catch up with an old friend who I hadn’t seen for a long, long time. This was prompted by finding out that one of our mutual friends had died last year. It’s made me realise that life isn’t there to be wasted. Get on with it.
- New Year itself involved absolutely nothing. I have been a bit ambivalent to it since I was pretty young – with my birthday just before Christmas, then Christmas itself, New Year celebrations just seem a little excessive.
- It’s also been too bloody cold. Some days that’s fine – Friday and Saturday were lovely, crisp, etc – but today is just wet and miserable and cold. The rain is coming down in sheets. It would be wonderful if we changed the years round so the new year started with some nice weather.
- I finished reading Eliza Clark’s She’s always hungry and it’s a strong recommend for me. She’s appearing at Faversham Literary Festival in a few weeks, which I’m going to.